I. Introduction
The Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited (CMPDI) is the nodal agency for coordinating R&D activities in Coal and Lignite sectors. The Ministry of Coal normally supports project of shorter duration (2-4 years). The findings of which, if completed successfully, can be used directly for commercial exploitation and benefit to the industry. However, in exceptional cases, research in newly emerging and front line areas of science and engineering and projects having long term implications can be supported.
Science & Technology (S&T)
· Development of technology/system and its successful transfer for commercial applications.
Research and educational institutions, public sector undertakings and such other agencies, which have capability to take up R&D work.
The proposal in prescribed form can be submitted any time during the year. Initially only four copies of the proposal are to be submitted. Once the proposal is approved in principle, fifty copies with necessary alternation/modification are to be submitted.
· Production, Productivity & Safety
· Coal Beneficiation & Coal Utilization
· Environment & Ecology
Equipment, salaries and allowances, consumables, travel and contingency.
VII. Items not allowed out of grant
The following items are normally not funded from this grant except with specific approval:
(a) Infrastructural facilities like land, building, furniture and fittings, calculators, computers, duplicating machines etc.
(b) Salaries of permanent employees of the implementing agency.
(c) Honorarium to the persons who are already in the employment of the institution.
(a) Foreign travel.
(b) Purchase of vehicles.
(f) Employment of peons, khalasis, laboratory attendants, stenographers, typists etc.
Standing Scientific Research Committee (SSRC) of the Ministry of Coal under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Coal) is the Apex body to plan, programme, budget and oversee the implementation of research projects. The SSRC is being assisted by three Sub-Committees each dealing with one of the major areas. The research proposals are initially scrutinized by CMPDI. After the first level scrutiny, CMPDI shall submit these proposals with their own observations and recommendations to the Sub-Committee concerned. The Sub-Committee shall further evaluate the proposals and submit the proposals to SSRC for its consideration.
Once the project is approved by SSRC, a formal sanction letter addressed to CMPDI by periodical visits. The implementing agency is required to furnish quarterly progress report in the prescribed format so as to reach CMPDI by 20th of the following month. CMPDI submits a consolidated half yearly progress report to Ministry of Coal and to the members of SSRC. In case of major projects (costing more than twenty five lakhs with educational and research institutions and more than hundred lakhs with Coal companies), a Project Advisory Committee is constituted to review the progress of work.
An indepth review is carried out by the Sub-Committee concerned after every two years.
Sixty copies of the Project Completion Report (PCR) are to be submitted to CMPDI.