UNIDO is an implementing partner to undertake the Department of Science and Technology's project on NMIS 2021 in India

NMIS 2021
With the support of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is implementing the National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS) 2021.
The survey, launched in February 2021, is assessing the innovation landscape of the manufacturing sector, by measuring the nature and intensity of firm-level innovations in the manufacturing sector in India and also the functioning of 'system of innovation' in five select manufacturing sub-sectors.
NMIS 2021 is a follow-up to DST’s National Innovation Survey 2011 and combines both the approaches of Oslo 2018 manual, the international guideline for measuring innovations, and UNIDO’s methodology for measuring ‘system of innovation’.
The 2-part Manufacturing Innovation Survey
The NMIS 2021 involves surveying and assessing innovation performance and capabilities at two interrelated levels, respectively the firm level and at the systems of innovation.
Survey of Firm-Level Innovations
Survey of Firm-Level Innovations
The Firm-level survey is capturing data related to types of innovations and innovative measures in firms, including the process of innovation, access to finance, resources and information for innovation, besides also recording the factors impacting the innovation activities in a firm. The survey targets more than 10,000 respondents from manufacturing and related services, representing the 58 sectors as identified under the national industrial classification. These are large, medium, small, and micro firms, distributed across 36 states and union territories of India.

Survey of Sectorial System of Innovation
Survey of Sectorial System of Innovation
Survey of Sectorial System of Innovation is measuring the economy’s innovation system and its enabling role in manufacturing. The interactions between stakeholders of the ecosystem, relative barriers to innovation, as well as the convergence or divergence of current policy instruments in addressing the needs of the actors of the system is examined. The survey has identified about 8,000 target respondents from Food & Beverages, Textiles & Apparel, Automotive, Pharmaceuticals, and ICT industries, to assess the respective sectors. Furthermore, the interaction of firms with ecosystem actors and their interlinkages, about 2000 representatives from industry bodies, government agencies, knowledge-based institutions, financial institutions, start-up incubators, institutions supporting technical change, and arbitrageurs are measured.

The survey is expected to offer an empirical understanding of current innovation activities of the manufacturing economy in India. Evidences of the barriers and challenges to technological learning, innovation and development, and up-gradation of Indian industries shall be used for devising policies, programs, and partnerships to strengthen innovation outcomes and benefits. The survey is also capturing the effects of technology transformations, including those enabled by ICT/Industry 4.0, and the impacts of COVID-19 on the performance of the manufacturing sector.

Why is NMIS 2021 important
To bolster and enhance India’s innovation potential, NMIS 2021 is positioned to offer evidences from the level of manufacturing firms and the systems of innovation. The survey is enabling a robust examination of the gaps and opportunities since 2011 and aims to provide the industry with a unique opportunity to contribute to the policy dialogue for accelerating innovative solutions and technological advancement in the manufacturing sector to drive its productivity and competitiveness.
The NMIS 2021 hence is expected to generate strong empirics for evidence-based policy and thereby impact GoI's policy agenda for manufacturing. This shall include the effects of tech transformations driven by ICT/I4.0 on the manufacturing sector, and, critically, the business resilience and recovery from the pandemic slowdown.
With evidences from the survey, the UNIDO-DST shall conduct several stakeholder engagements to discuss the survey findings to build momentum and consensus on the opportunities and challenges of industrial innovation in manufacturing and the related ecosystem. The recommendations from these engagements will be important in articulating actions at the macro, meso, and micro levels of the system.
Overview of Survey Questionnaires
National Innovation Survey 2011
The DST conducted the first of its kind innovation survey of the economy in 2011, that surveyed 9,001 firms for an observation period: FY 2008-09 to FY2010-11. The survey offered critical insights where only 35.4 % of firms in the economy were found to be engaged in innovative activities, while most innovative solutions used were only new to firms and only 20% were new to Indian market. Of the innovative solutions developed in the country, only 10% were new to world market, while much of the innovative firms in the country were involved in non-technical innovations. A decade later, the NMIS 2021 is conducted to gather insights of the progress achieved since then, with a specific focus on the manufacturing sector and the innovation ecosystem, with an overarching objective of achieving evidences for improving productivity and competitiveness in manufacturing firms in the country. Read more about National Innovation Survey 2011.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Dr. J. S. Juneja Chairperson, TAC Former Chairman, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) | Dr. Akhilesh Gupta Co-Chair, TAC Head, STIP-2020 Secretariat, Head, Policy Coordination & ProgrammeManagement (PCPM) Division, DST | Dr. René Van Berkel UNIDO Representative, Head, UNIDO Regional Office India | |
Dr. Pradosh Nath Ex-Chief Scientist, CSIR-NISTADS | Dr. B Chagun Basha Senior Technical Specialist, Office of Principal Scientific Adviser, GoI | Dr. Aravind Chinchure Founder and CEO, QLeap Academy | Mr. Tomoyoshi Koume Associate Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO HQ, Vienna |
Dr. Rabindra Panigarhy Scientist D, DST | Dr. Radhika Trikha Senior Policy Fellow, DST | Mr. P. K. Arya Scientist B, DST |

DST (Department of Science & Technology), under the Ministry of Science and Technology, plays a pivotal role in the promotion of science & technology in the country, with wide-ranging activities ranging from promoting high-end basic research and development of cutting-edge technologies, to service the technological requirements of the common man through the development of appropriate skills and technologies...
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) is the specialized agency of the United Nations to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) and is fully recognized in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-9, which calls to “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation...

The Survey Team And Data Collection
A 26-member team of enumerators are in the process of data collection since February 2021. These highly-skilled enumerators have diverse backgrounds, with a stronghold in data collection and management processes. Full-fledged training was conducted by UNIDO on various components of the survey, the structure of business economies, central and state-level policies promoting science and technology, processes and actors of the innovation ecosystem, and on the updated edition of the Oslo Manual developed by OECD. The training was done to create a strong knowledge base, induce skills and enhance the understanding of the subject which then helps to bring quality in data collection.

Contact Us
Reshmi Vasudevan
National Project Coordinator,
UNIDO Regional Office, New Delhi
Dr. Ritin Koria
Associate Innovation Expert, UNIDO Headquarters, Vienna